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Vision Prayer from Sunday

Pastor Ben

Some folks asked if we could post this -- here is the Vision Prayer we used at this past Sunday's service...

Leader: O Love that fires the universe, thank you for burning in our midst and giving yourself

to us.

People: Let us be transformed by your love, learning to bear one another’s burdens, and give

love to all.

L: Let us grow in love, building peace and justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with

our God;

P: Caring for the poor, the disenfranchised, the oppressed and marginalized, in our

community and world in all that we do.

L: Empower us to work for the liberation of all people, freeing us from our many forms of


P: Caring for your creation, all species, future generations, and the climate that sustains us


L: Thank you Lord of Love, for your presence, your power, and your promises. For

speaking to us and equipping us to hear you.

P: Make us whole people who proclaim the whole gospel for the whole world.

L: Thank you for giving birth and sustenance to Riverfront Family Church, for leading us

and carrying us on our journey of faith over the years.

P: Thank you for speaking to us these past weeks and allowing us to envision a future

where our love and trust in your love and power is grace and joy.

L: In this grace and joy, we anticipate the beautiful and exciting future you hold for us.

All: We thank you, Creator, Liberator, and Spirit! Amen!



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10 Woodland Street

Hartford CT 06105


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