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In recent days, the world has been witnessing the distressing violence unfolding in Israel and Gaza. The images of conflict, suffering, and loss have left many of us deeply troubled and seeking answers. As people of faith, it is crucial for us to turn to the Bible for guidance on the importance of peace and justice, and to navigate the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with compassion and wisdom.

The Importance of Peace (Shalom) in Scripture

Throughout the Bible, we are reminded of the importance of peace, often referred to as "shalom." One of the most well-known passages on peace comes from the book of Psalms:

"Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it." - Psalm 34:14 (NIV)

We are called to be peacemakers, to seek reconciliation, and to work towards the well-being of all people, just as God desires.

The Complicated Nature of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is undeniably complex, with historical, political, and social dimensions that cannot be easily summarized. It is possible to be critical of certain Israeli domestic policies, particularly concerning settlements and the unjust treatment of Palestinians, while still supporting the State of Israel and affirming its right to exist peacefully. Our faith teaches us to value justice and righteousness:

"But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!" - Amos 5:24 (NIV)

Supporting a two-state solution, where Israelis and Palestinians can coexist in peace and security, is a path towards fulfilling this biblical command for justice.

Condemning Violence and Terrorism

We must unequivocally condemn the current actions by Hamas, which include the targeting of civilians, kidnappings, attacks on women, children, and the elderly, and violations of international law. As people of faith, we believe in the sanctity of human life and the commandment to love our neighbors -- and even our enemies.

While the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is indeed complicated, condemning acts of terror and violence is not. We can support and empathize with the Palestinian people while standing firmly against the terrorism perpetrated by Hamas, often supported by groups like Hezbollah and Iran.

Praying for Peace, Justice, and Abiding Shalom

In times of conflict and turmoil, our faith calls us to be agents of peace and bearers of light. We must pray fervently for peace in the region, justice for all those affected by the conflict, and an abiding shalom that can only come from the Prince of Peace:

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." - Matthew 5:9 (NIV)

Let us come together in prayer for the people of Israel and Gaza, for all those who are suffering, and for wisdom and discernment for leaders on both sides. May we see a day when peace and justice prevail in this land, and the hearts of all involved are transformed by the love and grace of our Lord.

Condemning Bigotry and Promoting Understanding

In these trying times, as we discuss the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it is of utmost importance that we unequivocally condemn any attempts to use this conflict as a platform for fostering anti-Semitic or anti-Islamic sentiments. Our faith teaches us to love our neighbors and to treat all individuals with respect and dignity:

"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." - Galatians 3:28 (NIV)

We are called to reject all forms of bigotry and discrimination. It is crucial to remember that the actions of governments, political groups, or individuals should never be used to vilify an entire religious or ethnic community. As Christians, we are called to be a beacon of love and understanding:

"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." - 1 Peter 4:8 (NIV)

Let us be vigilant in promoting dialogue, empathy, and reconciliation rather than division and hatred. We must work towards fostering understanding between different communities and pray for unity and harmony in our world.

As we navigate these complex issues and pray for peace in the Middle East, let us also commit ourselves to combating bigotry and promoting a world where all people are treated with the love and respect they deserve.

Michael Minch

As we explore the remainder of Mark chapter 6, we encounter four passages (technically, called pericopes). The first is an account of the beheading of John the Baptist (6.14-29). A couple things jump out at to the reader. First, why does Mark place this report here, and not place it earlier in his Gospel where he introduced us to John and tells us about his ministry (where Luke places his account of John’s execution)? Mark interrupts his narrative about the disciples’ and Jesus’ ministry to tell us about John’s murder. As I implied in the last blog post, there’s a reason! Mark wants his readers (and the hearers of his Gospel as it would be read aloud from one congregation to another) to understand the cost of discipleship. There is a clear pattern being established by Mark:

John ministers and is delivered up to death,

Jesus ministers and is delivered up to death, and

The disciples minister and are delivered up to death (explicitly stated in 8.34; 13.9-13).

[For a powerful look into the meaning of Jesus’ death and its relationship to his disciples, see:

Fleming Routledge, The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ (Eerdmans, 2015)].

Second, a reading of the event where John’s fate is sealed shows a collection of vain power present in the people who connive his death. There is an incestuous circle of governmental, military, and commercial interests at work. In Mark’s Gospel, the court of Herod, like the Sanhedrin, is viewed with stark realism, seen as deeply corrupt and cynical, where even good intentions are engulfed by ambition, envy, fear, and compromise. In this ecology of pathology, God’s servant becomes a victim, an instrument to be used by others for petty and vile ends. A story like this rings true, of course… to our reading of our times and our analysis of so many institutions that penetrate our lives. By the way, when I mention the “incestuous circle of governmental, military, and commercial interests,” I have named the core elements of a system political theorists call fascism. [But note that fascist regimes are usually aided by majoritarian religious institutions as well, e.g., at present: Hinduism in Modi’s India, Russian Orthodoxy in Russia, and conservative “evangelicalism” (in a nominal sense) in the United States].

In verses 30-44 we come to the story of the feeding of the 5000 men (who knows how many women and children?). This is the only miracle found in all four Gospels. The separate story of the feeding of the 4000 is found in Mark and Matthew. It is easy to see why masses of poor people who lived day by day, hoping for their “daily bread” with little pretention to financial security and access to three square meals a day, would cherish the memories and stories of Jesus feeding the hungry. After all, how many of our own cherished memories include meals shared with friends and family? We’re told that Jesus “had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd” (.34). And out of this compassion, Jesus provides something to meet the material needs of these shepherd-less people. The Greek word for “compassion” means, literally, to have one’s “guts torn apart” (spagchnizomia). We think, in our present moment, of Sudan, Libya, Morocco, Ethiopia, and elsewhere… are our guts “torn apart” with compassion? And what are we doing as a compassionate response to such

profound need?

Above I referred to this event as a miracle. But was it? Mark does not tell us that the people experienced it as a miracle (unlike his habit of doing so, usually noting that crowds were “astonished” by Jesus after his miracles). Perhaps the “miracle” of the event is the triumph of a radically different economic and social model—one of sharing within a community, over against a model of individualist consumption in the anonymous marketplace. Rejecting the idea of sending people off to buy food for themselves, Jesus tells the disciples, “Let’s see what we have here,” in effect, “Let’s see what we can come up with.” It turns out, plenty! Everyone ate until they were full, and there was food left over! When Jesus referred to the people as sheep without a shepherd, he was not using a slander against the people. This was a common trope to describe the lack of decent political/religious leadership in ancient Israel. Jesus’ observation is about the lack of leadership that might have provided the infrastructure for a caring, sharing community materialized in economic and political forms (cf. Acts 2). Jesus’ language here is sacramental. Mark tells us that he took the bread and “looked up… and blessed… and broke... and gave it” (.41). The same words are used, of course, at the Last Supper with his disciples (14.22), words we repeat when we share the Lord’s Supper with one another. Jesus feeds us. He nourishes us. He sustains us. As Jesus tells us in John’s Gospel, he is the very Bread of Life (John 6).

The disciples have just returned from their adventure in ministry in nearby villages. Jesus sees that they need respite, rest, and prayer. He insists that they take a boat to the other side of the “sea” (actually, a lake) so as to escape the crowds. He goes to a “mountain” to pray. While on the water, during the fourth watch (3:00-6:00 am) Jesus can see that they have encountered a storm (again!) that imperils them. So, he walks out to the boat. Unlike the feeding of the 5000 where we cannot be sure that a supernatural event took place, here, we can only understand the event as supernatural. Everyone knows the story of Jesus walking on water. Whereas Hellenistic miracle stories depicted gods and heroes walking on the sea, this text is tied to Old Testament pictures of a God who “trampled the waves of the sea… who passes by… and I see him not” (Job 9.8, 11; cf. Ps. 77.19; Isa. 43.16). What is this image of God “trampling” the waves? The ancient Jews feared large bodies of water—the location of Leviathan and other sea monsters, and the cold dark depths. Thus a modest lake is for them, a “sea.” Recall the first creation account, the swirling, boiling, dark and wild waters upon the earth, before God creates the safety of land. When Jesus walks on the water to his disciples, he too walks as a force above, a conqueror of the dark and evil forces below. In the earlier storm, Jesus shouted the storm down and told it to stop. Here, he tramples upon it. In both stories, the faith (trust) of the disciples is put to the test. In both cases, the question was whether their fear would get the best of them, or if Jesus would get the best of them. “Take heart,” he says, “it is I; do not be afraid” (.50). The Greek form of “it is I” (ego eimi) is used in the Gospels, especially John, to echo God speaking to Moses at the burning bush, who declares “his” name as “I Am” (“Who I Am”). We are reminded of Jesus’ words in John’s Gospel: “I have spoken these things to you so that you might have peace in me. In the world (cosmos) you have suffering; but take heart—I have overcome the world (cosmos) (16.33). After the encouragement to trust and courage, Mark notes their astonishment at the storm’s ending and Jesus’ presence, and he notes that they had not “understood about the loaves, while their hearts remained hard” (52). Jesus’ powerful (let alone miraculous!) works in our midst ought to have the effect of building up our trust and the deterioration of the surprise that comes to us when he provides!

When they get out of the boat, they are near the village of Gennesaret. In this region, they find people all around bringing their sick into the spaces where Jesus and the disciples might be encountered, even carrying them upon their beds. In villages, towns, marketplaces, and open fields, they set the ill and afflicted down, so that they might simply touch the fringe of his cloak. And “all who touched it were healed” (.56). In contrast to the disciples (the ones “sent out” to minister to others!)— the crowds demonstrated immediate and powerful faith! Immediate and transparent faith, or struggling to understand, or the hostility to Jesus evident among some of the Pharisees and Scribes— these are ways that people continue to respond to Jesus. Perhaps they are also ways that we all respond to Jesus at one time or another. Each kind of response has certainly been a part of my journey with Jesus. It is so very good to know that he keeps showing up and offering healing regardless. Our faithfulness to Jesus has little to do with his faithfulness to us.

Thanks for reading,



In the heart of Hartford, a growing crisis has been silently plaguing our community, particularly in the North End. Families, individuals, and children are struggling to find affordable and stable housing, and one street that embodies this crisis is Edgewood Street. As Riverfront Family Church, we believe it is our moral duty to address this issue and advocate for justice, guided by biblical principles that call us to care for those without a voice.

In the Bible, the call to seek justice for the marginalized is resounding. Proverbs 31:8-9 tells us to "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy." Similarly, Isaiah 1:17 encourages us to "Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow."

Edgewood Street in the North End of Hartford has become a microcosm of the housing crisis that plagues our city. Families here are faced with skyrocketing rent prices, substandard living conditions, and the constant threat of eviction. The lack of affordable housing options leaves many trapped in a cycle of poverty, unable to escape their circumstances

The Greater Hartford Interfaith Action Alliance (GHIAA) has been at the forefront of addressing this crisis. They have been working tirelessly to bring attention to the housing issues faced by our community, advocating for policy changes, and pushing for affordable housing initiatives. GHIAA's commitment to justice aligns perfectly with our mission to make a positive impact on our city.

Action Steps for the City of Hartford:

  1. Affordable Housing Initiatives: The city must prioritize and invest in affordable housing projects that cater to the needs of the North End community.

  2. Tenant Protections: Implement stronger tenant protection laws to prevent unjust evictions and ensure safe living conditions.

  3. Community Engagement: Foster meaningful community engagement to gather input from residents when developing housing policies.

  4. Create Opportunities for Home Ownership: Home ownership creates economic stability, healthier neighborhoods, and the opportunity to create generational wealth. Creating opportunities that encourages and resources home ownership in our neighborhoods is critical to the future of our city.

Action Steps for Individuals:

  1. Education: Educate yourself and others about the housing crisis in Hartford. Understand its root causes and implications.

  2. Advocacy: Join organizations like GHIAA in advocating for housing justice. Attend community meetings, rallies, and town halls to voice your concerns.

  3. Support: Donate to or volunteer with local organizations working towards affordable housing solutions.

  4. Allyship: Be an ally to those affected by the crisis. Listen to their stories, offer support, and amplify their voices.

As followers of Christ, we are called to seek justice for the oppressed, including those struggling with housing instability. The crisis on Edgewood Street is a stark reminder that our work is far from over. By following the guidance of scripture and working hand in hand with organizations like GHIAA, we can make a difference in the lives of our neighbors in the North End and bring about much-needed change in our city. Let us unite in prayer, advocacy, and action to address the housing crisis in Hartford and work towards a more just and equitable future for all.


Mailing Address:


c/o Immanuel Congregational Church

10 Woodland Street

Hartford CT 06105


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