As we approach Independence Day, we are reminded of the freedoms and ideals upon which our nation was aspirationally built. It is a time for celebration, reflection, and recommitment to the principles that make the United States a beacon of hope and justice. At Riverfront Family Church, we embrace the call to be patriots, not in the narrow sense of nationalism, but as individuals committed to the values of equality, justice, and love for all. In this blog, we will explore how we can celebrate Independence Day while rejecting Christian Nationalism and respond to recent SCOTUS decisions with a prophetic witnessing voice for justice.
Rejecting Christian Nationalism:
Christian Nationalism conflates religious beliefs with the ideals of a specific nation, leading to the belief that one faith or religious tradition should dominate the public sphere. However, as followers of Christ, we are called to a higher standard - one that transcends national boundaries and embraces the diversity of God's creation. In rejecting Christian Nationalism, we acknowledge that our faith should inform our patriotism, but it should never be used to exclude or marginalize others.
Championing Justice:
The recent decisions by the Supreme Court of the United States have left many feeling frustrated and concerned about the erosion of rights for historically marginalized communities. As people of faith, we are called to stand for justice and advocate for those who are oppressed. Micah 6:8 reminds us, "He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." In our pursuit of justice, we are compelled to address the issues that have caused anger and frustration.
Affirmative Action:
The Supreme Court's decisions rolling back Affirmative Action present challenges to achieving equality and addressing systemic inequalities. As followers of Christ, we are called to stand alongside those who have been historically marginalized and to work toward a more just society. Galatians 3:28 reminds us, "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Let us advocate for policies that promote diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunities for all -- including the use of affirmative action to help ameliorate and address generational systemic white supremacy and racism.
LGBTQ Protections:
The recent SCOTUS decisions impacting LGBTQ protections remind us of the ongoing struggles for equality and acceptance faced by our LGBTQ+ siblings. As Christians, we are called to extend love, compassion, and support to all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. We should actively reject discrimination and work towards a society where everyone can live authentically and without fear. Romans 12:10 urges us to "Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves."
Abortion Rights:
The issue of abortion rights continues to be a divisive and sensitive topic. As Christians, we should approach this issue with compassion, recognizing the complexities and emotions involved. As a pastor, I affirm that the decision to have an abortion or carry to term is between a pregant person, their doctors, their involved partner, and, if they are of faith, their God. Neither government nor religious organization can o should dictate medical decisions for individuals or create/advocate for polices that encorach on the inherent right to self-determination. While we may have differing views, we must prioritize the well-being of women and pregnant people, provide support and resources for those facing difficult decisions, and work towards comprehensive solutions that address the root causes of abortion. Proverbs 31:8-9 reminds us, "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves... defend the rights of the poor and needy."
Prophetic Witness for Justice:
As followers of Christ, we are called to be a prophetic voice for justice, echoing God's heart for righteousness and equality. We can engage in constructive dialogue, advocate for just policies, and work towards creating a society that reflects God's love for all people. Let us remember the words of Amos 5:24, "But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!" In our celebrations this Independence Day, let us commit ourselves to being faithful witnesses for justice and agents of positive change.
As we celebrate Independence Day, let us embrace our identity as patriotic Christians who reject Christian Nationalism, champion justice, and stand in solidarity with those who are marginalized. We can be a prophetic witnessing voice for justice by advocating for equality, rejecting discrimination, and working towards a more just and compassionate society. Let us be guided by Scripture, the teachings of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit as we seek to honor God in all we do. May God bless you abundantly as you celebrate and strive for justice this Independence Day.
At Riverfront Family Church, we believe in the transformative power of the gospel and the inherent worth and equality of all individuals. Recent events have brought to light the decision by the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) to expel Saddleback Church due to their stance on the ordination of women. As an American Baptist Church, we stand in solidarity with Saddleback Church and want to address this issue with love, grace, and a commitment to biblical principles.
We fully embrace inclusion and egalitarianism, affirming the gifts and leadership capacity of all people, regardless of their gender or gender identity. We believe that God calls and equips individuals based on their faith, character, and the Holy Spirit's leading, rather than their gender. This conviction is rooted in our understanding of Scripture and the teachings of Jesus.
The decision by the SBC to expel churches like Saddleback Church for their belief in the ordination of women is both unjust and unbiblical. We affirm the biblical basis for equality, which is exemplified throughout Scripture. In Galatians 3:28, the apostle Paul states, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." This verse emphasizes the elimination of social distinctions and highlights the unity we share in Christ.
In many ways, Saddleback Church and Rick Warren (who is now retired from the church) are far more conservative theologically than I am or we are at RFC. I fundamentally disagree with their position on LGBTQ+ issues, for example. But I have also learned a tremendous amount from Pastor Rick, Saddkeback, several conferences, books, and teachings that they have provided. I deeply respecy Pastor Rick, even as I disagree with him. Both things are possible.
The SBC's decision to exclude churches for holding differing beliefs goes against the principles of Baptist heritage. The Baptist tradition has long valued the autonomy and diversity of individual churches, allowing for a range of theological perspectives and interpretations. We believe that true unity does not necessitate conformity, but rather a shared commitment to Christ and a respect for one another's convictions.
We want to reaffirm our full commitment to egalitarianism, not just as a practical matter, but as a biblical principle. We celebrate and empower the gifts and callings of both men and women, allowing them to serve and lead in all areas of church ministry. We believe that by embracing egalitarianism, we reflect the heart of God and more fully embody the body of Christ.
As we navigate these complex issues, let us remember the importance of love and respect. We encourage open dialogue, understanding, and a willingness to engage with one another in a spirit of humility and grace. Our commitment to inclusivity and equality is rooted in the love of Christ, and we invite all individuals to join us on this journey of faith.
At Riverfront Family Church, we stand firmly in our conviction to embrace inclusion and full egalitarianism. We believe that every person, regardless of their gender or gender identity, has been gifted by God and is called to contribute to the kingdom of God. We recognize the recent decision by the Southern Baptist Convention as contrary to the biblical principles of equality and Baptist heritage. Let us continue to embody the love of Christ and champion the value and worth of all individuals in our pursuit of a more just and inclusive Church.
Mother's Day is a cherished occasion celebrated across the globe, dedicated to honoring the influential women in our lives. While the day is commonly associated with expressing gratitude towards our biological mothers, it also holds profound spiritual significance. Mother's Day is a beautiful reminder of the divine feminine energy that nurtures, supports, and uplifts us all. In this blog post, we will explore the spiritual significance of Mother's Day and the profound role of the divine feminine in our lives.
The Essence of the Divine Feminine:
The divine feminine represents the universal energy of creation, nurturing, compassion, and unconditional love. It is a spiritual concept that transcends gender and refers to the qualities that honor the feminine principle within all beings. This energy is characterized by qualities such as intuition, empathy, wisdom, gentleness, and creativity. The divine feminine is often associated with motherhood, both in a literal sense and as a metaphorical representation of nurturing and caring for others.
Honoring the Maternal Archetype:
Mother's Day provides an opportunity to honor the maternal archetype that exists within each of us. It encourages us to recognize and appreciate the qualities of love, compassion, and selflessness that are inherent in the divine feminine energy. By acknowledging and celebrating these qualities, we can foster a deeper connection with our own spirituality and tap into the wellspring of nurturing energy that lies within.
Expressing Gratitude and Love:
Gratitude is a powerful spiritual practice that opens our hearts and connects us to the divine. Mother's Day serves as a timely reminder to express our heartfelt appreciation and love for the women who have played significant roles in our lives. Whether it is our biological mother, grandmother, aunt, sister, or any maternal figure, this day invites us to honor their unwavering support, guidance, and unconditional love.
Embracing the Circle of Life:
Mother's Day also invites us to contemplate the profound cycle of life and the role of the divine feminine in it. The act of giving birth, nurturing, and raising children mirrors the creative energy that flows through all of existence. It symbolizes the continuous cycle of creation, growth, and transformation. By acknowledging the divine feminine on Mother's Day, we acknowledge the sacredness of life itself and the interconnectedness of all beings.
The Importance of Self-Nurturing:
Mother's Day is not only about honoring external figures but also about turning inward and nurturing ourselves. It reminds us of the importance of self-care, self-compassion, and self-love. Just as a mother cares for her child, we too must prioritize our well-being and cultivate a loving relationship with ourselves. By embracing our own divine feminine energy, we can foster personal growth, find inner peace, and radiate love and compassion to those around us.
Mother's Day offers us a precious opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the spiritual significance of the divine feminine. It reminds us of the universal qualities of love, compassion, and nurturing that are essential for our personal and collective well-being. As we honor the maternal figures in our lives, we simultaneously honor the divine energy that permeates the universe. By embodying the divine feminine within ourselves, we can create a more harmonious and compassionate world. May we cherish and celebrate the spiritual essence of Mother's Day every day as we honor and embrace the divine feminine energy within us and all around us.